The Millirons - Mesa,AZ { Arizona Wedding Photographer }

I'm so excited to finally post Anamin and Shane's pictures here on my blog. I took some pictures of them weeks before their wedding day and my hands were itching to share their pictures with all of you. I had to be a patient person and wait right? So, now that they have been sealed for the eternity and they are off to their honeymoon I can keep myself busy editing pictures and posting my favorite ones. I so enjoyed being their photographer and I have to tell that the bride couldn’t be sweeter than already she is. Anamin is a doll. Love her smile. Shane is absolutely a great guy in front of the camera. A 100 of pictures are not enough for him because he can’t get enough of them and he is always ready to pose for the camera. I thought that was pretty nice. I felt so welcomed that I thought like being their best friends taking their pictures. Awesome feeling! And I got mention the homeless friend we found along our photo session who kept following us entertaining and preaching the couple about marriage. Hilarious and very helpful to keep Anamin and Shane relaxed over lots of laughter. Tyler, Shane’s brother made a video and guys I really really want a copy of it. I watched some of it at the reception but I have to see it all sometime soon. Anyways, I would like to thank all your family and bridesmaids and groomsmen who were such troopers under the humid heat we had on that morning for photo shoot. Thanks to all of you! To Anamin and Shane, I love you guys and thank you for picking me out there to photograph a special moment in your lives. That means a lot to me. Wish you guys a world full of happiness in your new start in life as a couple – and what a cute couple you guys are together. Enjoy your honeymoon!!!!

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Laurel said...

I love the pictures!

Lia Fox said...

Great pictures! I just emailed you regarding family pictures. A friend of mine told me about you and said how nice you are. Can't wait to meet you Emelia.

B.B. Thorley said...

You do such great work. I bet it is so fun being around weddings so much.